Kodama Koi Food is the newest addition to Waterford Garden's current Koi Fish Food product line.
The production of Kodama Koi Farm food is being done on the newest model of a twin type extruder. This machine expertly handles all the ingredients and manufactures food with outstanding digestive and absorption performance. The twin extruder kneads the ingredients extremely well while perfecting the floating capabilities of the Koi food, which in turn helps to keep the water clean and healthy. After all, it is all for the beauty of your Koi.
Wheat germ oil is widely known and used as human health food. The remaining defatted wheat germ is usually used as an ingredient for Koi food. Kodama Koi Food's Wheatgerm, however, uses the FRESH wheat germ before the oil is extracted. It keeps your Koi healthy and improves its beautiful skin. Kodama Koi Food makes 100% use of what wheat germ can offer unlike other foods.
Spirulina is used to make Kodama Koi Food's Color Up. Compared to Chlorella, Spirulina (floating micro algae) is more digestible. It has (60 – 70%) higher protein and a thinner cell wall. Therefore, Spirulina is widely known and used as a sullemental nutritional source of protein, vitamins, minerals and more.
In aquaculture, Spirulina is recognized to improve immunity and flesh quality, but it is more commonly used to enhance colors with various carotenoids in it. Especially in Koi, Spirulina is mainly used to enhance red.
Productions of Spirulina greatly varies with climate. Carotenoids level of Spirulina changes by climates with the range of 1000 to 5000 ppm. No compromise is made in selecting Spirulina for Kodama Koi Food. Only 4000 ppm or higher Spirulina is used to produce Kodama Koi Food Color Up. It assures your your Koi's beauty will be maximized!