With a plethora of choices for filtration and pond water treatment equipment, Tetra is one of the better known product lines in the field of Pond Filters. Here, Tetra Replacement Parts can be found to extend the life and effectiveness of these products.
Tetra Pressure Filter Replacement Pads are equally sized to be used for all three Tetra Pressure Filter models, however each model requires a different number of pads:
PRF-1500 - 4 pads
PRF-2500 - 5 pads
PRF-4000 - 6 pads
***Each package contains 2 pads. Select the quantity for your Tetra Pressure Filter appropriately.
Like all UV Sterilizers, the Tetra UV-Pressure Filters should have their UV Bulbs replaced at least once every other year, if not once per year to assure effective sterilizing of the pond water. There are Tetra Replacement UV Bulbs for each of the PRF-UV Filters, organized below. Be sure you are selecting the proper Replacement UV Bulb for your filter.
The Quartz Sleeve is the protective encasing that surrounds the UV Bulb inside the Tetra Pressure Filter. If the Quartz Sleeve is ever reptured or damaged, the UV Bulb will be exposed to water and can electrically short, or be irreparably damaged. Select the Tetra Replacement Quartz Sleeve for your Tetra Pressure Filter here.
Tetra Replacement Quartz Sleeve for Tetra PUV-1500 Pressure Filter
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Tetra Replacement Quartz Sleeve for Tetra PUV-2500/4000 Pressure Filters